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Sandi Bonn

Sandi grew up in New England and moved to Oregon to explore more adventures. Many family members were artists and her first memories are of her Aunt Muriel teaching her art skills.

Sandi expresses her passion for the natural world in her artwork. Her style is influenced by Expressionism, Figuratism, Art Deco and Art Nouveau, among other elements.  She captures the essence of her subject in the sense of a captured moment. She works to highlight the moment by including an element of time, motion or focus. For the challenge, one style she enjoys is breaking down the composition to its minimalist form to still convey the composition, and express the key elements. 

Sandi works in many mediums, oil or acrylic painting, pen and ink, and printmaking. Sandi’s focus in printmaking is linoleum block printing. In a way, it’s like creating the image in mirror image and in reverse: the bright highlights are the first detail to hone out, then building up details around these highlights. She also works with copper etching, drypoint, and letterpress printmaking. Sandi’s enthusiasm for color and composition shine in this art medium.

May her images continue to call you from across the room for deeper examination!

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